If you'd like to see our club members, their cars, and what they've been driving in check out the Members section. If you'd like more information about how our club was formed check out our History page. If you'd like to contact us to join, ask questions, or just swap stories and tell lies please go to Club Info.

Redline Race Club Info
In 2004 a group of car enthusiasts gravitated together after they bought new performance cars and wanted to share their experiences. Later that year the first piece of automotive test equipment was purchased, a G-Tech Pro Competition performance meter from Tesla Electronics.
Over the next two years we conducted tests, bought more equipment, and generally had a lot of fun. In 2006 we went to our first track day at Road America, and we're hooked. The Redline Race Club was formed officially in November 2006, and we will continue to pursue as much automobile-related fun as possible!
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