2006 Summary

This year's autocrossing was pretty basic. Chad and Rick took the G35 for a spin (not literally) in August, and then Chad, Chris, Damian, Rick, and Scott went to an IBM-sponsored half-day autocross held by Skip Barber. The Skip Barber event was great, each of us put in probably 40-50 laps (about 5-10x a normal autocross) and had a Skip Barber instructor in the car the whole time!

Event Date Participants Description
August 8th, 2006 Chad, Rick Chad and Rick go autocrossing in the G35. Under- and over-steer, plus maniacal laughing, ensues.
September 15th, 2006 Chad, Chris, Damian, Rick, Scott Skip Barber asks us to drive BMW 330s fast and hard. We reluctantly agree. One Mustang GT is lamed.